Crypto tvl meaning

crypto tvl meaning

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To calculate the TVL of those looking to navigate the to the TVL of the for each token ttvl add them up to get the.

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TVL in crypto stands refers for the total value of cryptocurrency locked in a project. Market cap refers to the total market value of a platform's tokens or. Total Value Locked (TVL) is a measure of the total value of crypto assets stored and available in smart contract applications. This value refers. One of the main use of the TVL ratio is to help determine if a DeFi asset is undervalued or overvalued. If it is under 1, it is undervalued in most cases.
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Investopedia does not include all offers available in the marketplace. A high TVL means that a protocol has a healthy liquidity pool with more capital locked in its smart-contract. A higher TVL on a DeFi protocol indicates that there is more capital locked into the platform, resulting in many benefits for users, including better yields.