What happens after 21 million bitcoins to dollars

what happens after 21 million bitcoins to dollars

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As a result, your money banks can create money to. According to some users on a number "in the middle" to create a decentralized economy.

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As it stands today, miners receive BTC for every block mined (this is known as a "block reward"). As per Bitcoin tokenomics, the block. Even when all bitcoin are mined, much fewer than 21 million will be circulating actively. Data analytics firm Chainalysis estimates that. Bitcoin will still be based on the PoW protocol. Miners will validate transactions and get rewards for that. The network will still be operative.
Comment on: What happens after 21 million bitcoins to dollars
  • what happens after 21 million bitcoins to dollars
    account_circle Shaktitaxe
    calendar_month 08.10.2020
    The excellent message))
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How are bitcoins mined

If Bitcoin in essentially serves as a store of value rather than for daily purchases, then it's still possible for miners to profit�even with low transaction volumes and the disappearance of block rewards. After the maximum number of bitcoins is reached, even if that number is ultimately slightly below 21 million, no new bitcoins will be issued. Data analytics firm Chainalysis estimates that roughly a fifth of all coins mined to date are lost. What Is Bitcoin Mining?